A Modified General Effective Medium Formula for Calculating the Effective Dielectric Properties of Particle-filled Binary Composite Materials
中文关键词: 颗粒填充二元复合材料 等效介电特性 修正通用有效介质公式 蒙特卡罗有限元方法
英文关键词: particle-filled binary composite materials, effective dielectric properties, modified general effective medium, Monte Carlo finite element method
钟汝能 云南师范大学能源与环境科学学院,昆明 650500
云南师范大学云南省光电信息技术重点实验室,昆明 650500 
郑勤红 云南师范大学能源与环境科学学院,昆明 650500
云南师范大学云南省光电信息技术重点实验室,昆明 650500 
向泰 云南师范大学能源与环境科学学院,昆明 650500  
姚斌 云南师范大学云南省光电信息技术重点实验室,昆明 650500  
摘要点击次数: 9254
全文下载次数: 3018
      介电特性在复合材料的电磁效应研究和材料设计中具有重要的作用。本工作在研究传统通用有效介质(GEM,General Effective Medium)公式的局限性基础上,提出了用于预测和计算颗粒填充二元复合材料等效介电特性的修正通用有效介质(MGEM,Modified General Effective Medium)公式。运用MC-FEM(Monte Carlo-Finite Element Method)方法分析计算各种参数条件下颗粒随机填充二元复合材料的等效介电特性,并与MGEM公式计算结果进行比较,验证MGEM公式的正确性和有效性。此外,还将MGEM的预测结果与部分经典理论公式的计算结果、部分文献报道的实验测量数据进行了比较。研究表明,在不同介电常数比(1/50~50)和不同体积分数(0~1)的情况下,MGEM公式预测结果与MC-FEM模型结果完全吻合,与实验测量结果基本一致,为颗粒填充二元复合材料等效介电性能分析提供了一种具有较高计算精度的理论计算方法。
      Dielectric property has been regarded as an important factor in the research of electromagnetic effect and in material design for composite materials. To break through the limitations of the traditional general effective medium (GEM) formula, a modified formula, i.e. modified general effective medium (MGEM) was presented in this study for the dielectric property prediction and calculation of particle-filled binary composite materials. We obtained the effective dielectric properties of the random particle-filled binary composite materials under various parameters by the simulation based on Monte Carlo finite element method (MC-FEM), and by the calculation based on the proposed MGEM formula, respectively. Moreover, we also conducted calculations based on some typical theoretical formulas and collected experimental data in some previously published works. It can be concluded that the prediction results of MGEM formula have complete coincidence with the simulated results of MC-FEM, and are essentially in agreement with the experimental results, within the dielectric constant range of 1/50—50 and the filling volume ratio range of 0—1. MGEM is expected to provide an accurate, reliable, and general-purpose theoretical method for predicting and calculating the effective dielectric pro-perties of particle-filled binary composite materials.
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