Aging Duration Dependence and Aging Temperature Dependence of Microstructure and Properties of Al-6Zn-1.1Mg Alloy
中文关键词: 手机外壳 7xxx系铝合金 Al-Zn-Mg合金 时效 强化 电导率
英文关键词: mobile casing, 7xxx aluminum alloy, Al-Zn-Mg alloy, aging, strengthening, conductivity
刘磊 中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410083
广东省材料与加工研究所,广州 510650 
周海涛 中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410083 997113503@qq.com,htzhou@csu.edu.cn 
周楠 广东省材料与加工研究所,广州 510650  
农登 广东省材料与加工研究所,广州 510650  
王顺成 广东省材料与加工研究所,广州 510650  
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      采用维氏硬度仪、透射电镜、拉伸试验机和电导率测量仪,研究了时效温度和时间对新型Al-6Zn-1.1Mg合金组织与性能的影响。结果表明:随着时效时间的延长,Al-6Zn-1.1Mg合金基体中先后沉淀析出GP区、η′相(亚稳相MgZn2)和η相(稳定相MgZn2)。GP区和η′相均可阻碍位错运动,对合金起到很好的强化作用。当GP区的数量达到最多时,合金的强度和硬度达到第一个峰值。当GP区转变为η′相时,合金的强度和硬度达到第二个峰值。当η′相转变为η相后,合金的强度和硬度开始出现下降。随着时效温度的升高,GP区、η′相和η相的析出逐渐加快,使合金强度和硬度达到两个峰值的时间逐渐缩短,并且两个峰值之间的时间间隔也逐渐缩短。时效温度为120 ℃时,合金强度和硬度的第二峰值高于第一峰值。当时效温度高于120 ℃时,合金强度和硬度的第二峰值低于第一峰值。
      The effects of aging temperature and duration on the microstructure evolution and properties of the new Al-6Zn-1.1Mg alloy were determined and investigated by using hardness tester, transmission electron microscope (TEM), tensile tester and conductivity tester. The results indicated that with the increase of aging duration, the GP zone, η′ phase (metastable MgZn2) and η phase (stable MgZn2) precipitate in turn from the Al-6Zn-1.1Mg alloy. The GP zone and η′ phase can hinder the movement of dislocations and consequently strengthen the alloy. When the number of GP zone reaches the maximum, the first peak values of alloy’s strength and hardness can be obtained. And the transformation of GP zone into η′ phase causes the alloy’s strength and hardness to reach the second peak values. Moreover, while the η′ phase is transformed into η phase, the strength and hardness of the alloy begin to decline. With the increase of aging temperature, the precipitations of GP zone, η′ phase and η phase are gradually accelerated, resulting in less time consumptions of the alloy’s strength and hardness to reach both of the first and second peaks, as well as shorter time interval between the two peaks. In addition, we also observed the higher second peak values (compared with the first peak va-lues) of strength and hardness at an aging temperature of 120 ℃, and the higher first peak values (compared with the second peak values) of strength and hardness at aging temperatures higher than 120 ℃.
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