Influence of Different Materials on the Temperature Field of Bipolar High-frequency Electric Knife
中文关键词: 高频电刀 电热耦合 绝缘层材料 电极材料
英文关键词: high-frequency electric knife, electric-thermal coupling, insulating layer material, electrode material
黄嘉平 上海理工大学现代微创医疗器械及技术教育部工程研究中心,上海 200093 1071554196@qq.com,h_b_cui@163.com 
崔海坡 上海理工大学现代微创医疗器械及技术教育部工程研究中心,上海 200093 1071554196@qq.com,h_b_cui@163.com 
宋成利 上海理工大学现代微创医疗器械及技术教育部工程研究中心,上海 200093  
周宇 上海理工大学现代微创医疗器械及技术教育部工程研究中心,上海 200093  
摘要点击次数: 8442
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      基于有限元分析软件ANSYS,对双极高频电刀工作过程中的温度场进行了详细的电热耦合仿真分析,研究了四种不同绝缘层材料和四种不同电极材料对双极高频电刀温度场的影响规律。结果表明,对于304不锈钢、316不锈钢、317不锈钢和Ti6Al4V这四种材料而言,选取Ti6Al4V作为电极制作材料时,通电后电极产生的温度最高;在连续通电2 s的时间内,当电极材料为Ti6Al4V时,绝缘层的温度接近其制作材料的热变形温度,从而易导致绝缘层发生软化,影响电刀的正常使用性能;对于PA6、PC、PP以及ABS这四种材料而言,后两种材料更适宜作为高频电刀绝缘层的制作材料;高频电刀连续通电时间不宜超过2 s,否则会对电极周围的正常人体组织造成电灼伤。
      Based on the ANSYS software, the electric-thermal coupling simulation analysis was performed for the temperature field during the bipolar high-frequency electric knife being work. The influence of 4 different insulating layer materials and 4 different electrode materials on the temperature field of bipolar high-frequency electric knife was researched. The results indicated that, for the 304 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel, 317 stainless steel and Ti6Al4V, the electrode temperature is highest for choosing Ti6Al4V being the electrode material. And in 2 s for continuous power, the temperature of the insulating layer is close to the thermal deformation temperature of the insulating material, which leads to the softening of the insulating layer and affects the normal service performance of the electric knife. For the PA6, PC, PP and ABS, the latter two materials are more suitable for the manufacture of insulating layer of high-frequency electrical knife. The continuous power time for the high-frequency electric knife should not exceed 2 s, otherwise it will cause electrical burns to normal human tissue around the electrode.
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